All products in this store should not be handled or played with by children. They could be fatal or harmful if swallowed. Persons with pacemakers, defibrillators, insulin pumps or any battery operated device should not handle these magnetic parts as they could interfere with the performance of these devices.

We are not medical professionals, and we cannot make any medical claims about the therapeutic use of magnets. We are not in any way promoting them as a medical device or as a substitute for a medical device. Not recommended for use during pregnancy. Not recommended to be worn next to a battery operated watch.

Shipping & Returns

Please be aware that a minimum order amount of $50.00 is required to place an order.

For orders over $300.00 shipping is free within the Continental United States. For orders under $300.00 we charge a flat rate of $9.95. All our items are Warehouse packed for safe delivery. We ship all products by USPS with Tracking unless otherwise directed. This usually takes between 2 to 3 working days depending on the delivery service in the destination area. We will ship via an alternative method at your request, however, additional rates may apply.

For orders outside the Continental United States shipping will be calculated by the destination and weight. You will receive an e-mail as to the exact amount of extra shipping costs (if applicable). New USPS increased Postal Rates, they are as follows: Minimum shipping to Canada up 4lbs will be $25.95 via USPS, and International Minimum postage outside the North American continent will be based on weight for up to 4lbs via USPS.

We normally ship our products within two business days unless requested otherwise. If we are unable to dispatch your order within two business days we will contact you and advise you of the expected dispatch date.

Please check your delivery address carefully as we will not be responsible for delivery to an incorrect address. The customer shall be responsible for the cost to resend a parcel that is returned because of an incorrect address.


If an order has been dispatched by courier and is not received or if an item is received and it is either damaged or faulty, a return claim MUST be filed with Magnetic Beads within 3 days from date of despatch of goods.

Email details of your claim to sales@magneticbeads.net
The following options will then be made available:

1. Replacement: If possible, a replacement will be sent, subject to availability.

2. Credit: If no replacement is available, a credit will be offered to the full amount of the purchase price.

3. Refund: If a refund is required, it will be provided according to the original payment (i.e. if payment was made on Visa, the visa will be credited. If the item was purchased by direct credit, the debited account shall be credited).

All returns required advance notice, please be aware that returns must be with-in 90 days from purchase. There will be a 10% re-stocking fee on returned items and they must be full strands.