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All products in this store should not be handled or played with by children. They could be fatal or harmful if swallowed. Persons with pacemakers, defibrillators, insulin pumps or any battery operated device should not handle these magnetic parts as they could interfere with the performance of these devices.

We are not medical professionals, and we cannot make any medical claims about the therapeutic use of magnets. We are not in any way promoting them as a medical device or as a substitute for a medical device. Not recommended for use during pregnancy. Not recommended to be worn next to a battery operated watch.

Gift Certificate FAQ

How to Send Gift Certificates

To send a Gift Certificate you need to go to our Send Gift Certificate Page. You can find the link to this page in the Shopping Cart Box in the right hand column of each page. When you send a Gift Certificate you need to specify the following: The name of the person to whom you are sending the Gift Certificate; The email address of the person to whom you are sending the Gift Certificate; The amount you want to send (Note you don't have to send the full amount that is in your Gift Certificate Balance.); An optional short message which will appear in the email; Please ensure that you have entered all of the information correctly, although you will be given the opportunity to change this as much as you want before the email is actually sent.

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